

We are committed to help get women elected at all levels – we encourage women to start at local and state levels and make big impact, and build their skills and networks to be easily elected to Congress and more!

We tried to find resources that would very much help for those running and state and city offices as well.

We welcome your suggestions for such non-partisan organizations.

We recognize the numbers to have a huge sweep of women entering Congress this year is likely lower than hoped for, based on primaries where several women will run against each other, as well as overcoming and incumbents which certainly have huge advantage.

We admire and support these non-partisan organizations

Women's Campaign FundWCF leverages common ground to build good government at all levels using 100% of America’s talent, wisdom, and skill.

In 2017, the Women’s Campaign Fund adopted a bold, new approach. WCF supports women candidates who demonstrate strength in three arenas:

  • Common Ground
  • 50% Representation / 100% of America
  • Viability for Election

And WCF commits to achieving 50% representation by women in elected offices nationwide by 2028. America has a lot of work to do!

In seeking common ground, WCF supporters include women and men who may have a variety of opinions on issues like abortion and reproductive health, but also are passionate about the environment, the right to vote, education for our kids, senior security, healthcare – all of which involve problems that demand solutions. These problems will not go away without our full commitment. And our nation is worse off for acting as if all are not connected, for behaving as if each can be resolved in the silos that have become our comfort zones.

Integrating our priorities, abilities and perspectives is smart. When we reach the point that 100% of America is represented by 100% of the available talent, wisdom and skill – 50/50, men and women, like the population – we can better shape (and legislate) what’s in the best interest of all. Each of us – woman or man, person of color or white, progressive or conservative, moderate or otherwise – will have the best shot at life. At liberty. At the pursuit of happiness.


Women are underrepresented at all levels in the 500,000+ elected offices across the U.S. That is why She Should Run is committed to getting at least 250,000 women to run by 2030. And we can’t do it without your support.

Because when more women run, More women lead: As more and more She Should Run graduates become elected officials, they become role models to girls and young women, help change the culture of women in politics, and amplify the need for gender parity in office.

More voices will be heard and more challenges met: By encouraging more women to run, She Should Run is building a more effective and representative government that can meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Center for American Women and PoliticsThe Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP), a unit of the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is nationally recognized as the leading source of scholarly research and current data about American women’s political participation. Its mission is to promote greater knowledge and understanding about women’s participation in politics and government and to enhance women’s influence and leadership in public life.

RepresentWomenRepresentWomen works to increase women’s representation in elected office and advocates for systemic reforms to the recruitment process, voting systems, and legislative practices so that more women run, win, serve, and lead.

RepresentWomen is a nonpartisan initiative committed to achieving gender parity in appointed and elected office. We advocate for institutional reforms to level the playing field for women candidates, enabling them to run, win, and lead effectively. Our goal is fair representation for women and men across the political, racial, and geographic spectrum, so that our daughters and their daughters can engage with our democracy as equals.

IgniteIGNITE is building a movement of young women who are ready and eager to become the next generation of political leaders.

Ready to Run

News Feed / Selected Topic Articles

  • NYT congressional predictions for 2018. Not huge numbers due to so many women running against each other and then against incumbents. But the energy is still strong to support female candidates throughout the country.
  • Winning isn’t everything. While we’ve all read dozens of stories about the wave of women running for office in the wake of the 2016 presidential election, this analysis from the NYT and the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers warns that ” the November elections may not produce a similar surge in the number of women in Congress.” It’s worth checking out the story’s simple yet powerful interactive graphic that explains the political realities at work. Still, the lesson here is not to give up, says She Should Run founder Erin Loos Cutraro. Instead, supporters of female candidates should “be prepared that a number of them will lose and also remind people that is not the end of the story, it is the beginning of the story.”  New York Times

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